PMHub deprecation

PMHub is fully deprecated as of IBM® Planning Analytics version, as previously announced in the IBM Planning Analytics 2.0 deprecation notices.

IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel must use hubless mode when upgrading to In hubless mode, Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel connects to Planning Analytics sources via Planning Analytics Workspace.

Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel version 2.0.41 and prior do not support hubless mode. If you have version 2.0.41 or prior, please upgrade to the most recent version of Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel when you install IBM Planning Analytics version

Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel version 2.0.52 and later forces all non-overridden connections to IBM Planning Analytics version 2.0.9 or later to use hubless mode.

If you currently use an overridden connection to IBM Planning Analytics, you must remove the override to connect to IBM Planning Analytics version

An overridden connection looks like this: http://<hostname>/?pmhub&rest. For example,

You must remove the override and use http://<hostname>/. For example,

Note that Exploration Views and Quick Reports encode their host information internally. As long as the <hostname> remains the same when moving from an overridden to a non-overridden connection, you do not need to modify any views or reports. In any circumstance, it is preferable to update your connection before interacting with any reporting content.